About the Monkey King Chad Underkoffler has been gaming since 1981, and freelance writing
in the game industry since 1998, both to the confusion of his family.
His column "Campaign in a Box" appeared bimonthly in Pyramid
Online, he's written for Atlas Games' Unknown Armies line, Sword & Sorcery Studio's Gamma World Gamemasters' Guide, and was Lead Setting Developer for Evil Hat Production's Dresden Files Roleplaying Game and Chief Editor for Strange Tales of the Century; he was also the research editor for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War line and the Firefly RPG, both from Margaret Weis Productions. (See full publication list here.)
Chad currently lives in Washington, PA.
His Twitter is at https://twitter.com/CUnderkoffler.
His LiveJournal is at http://www.livejournal.com/users/chadu/.
His Facebook is at https://www.facebook.com/chad.underkoffler.
Silven Trumpeter Article
PDQ and T&J discussed in "Light on Rules, Big
on Flavor," by Michael "Aeon" Fiegel in Silven
Trumpeter, vol. 4, issue 4, Winter 2006 (free download).
A Fist Full of Comics & Games (JJ "Working Man" Lanza)
The Butcher Block - Episode Six - "The Curse of Knowledge" (Fred Hicks)
Master Plan #5: Interview with Chad Underkoffler -- Wacky Damage in PDQ (Ryan Macklin)
Washington City Paper Article
Designer Interview with Jasper McChesney
Read the Interview
can be reached by email at monkeyking@atomicsockmonkey.com.